Self Awareness and the Effective Leader

Part of the Leadership Development for Engineers Specialization.

This is course 1 in the Leadership Development for Engineers Specialization and part of Rice University’s Engineering Management and Leadership Certificate.

Part of being an effective leader is learning how to play to your strengths and overcome characteristics that don’t lend to good leadership practices. During the course, you will examine your own strengths and learn ways to use them in a leadership role. Learn to manage stress and solve problems creatively. Throughout the course, you will also build a tool kit of useful techniques that you can begin using right away in your engineering career.

This course is designed for engineers who are interested in and have the desire to advance into leadership and management roles. You don’t need any leadership experience to do well in this course. We ask you to reflect on your personal experiences pretty often, so some work experience will help you in that aspect, but we hope that most of what you learn here will be applicable to many areas of your life.


Image sample of a professor talking about having self awareness.


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