Enroll in Course 2: Electric Potential and DC Circuits

Image of professor Jason Hafner teaching in class.

Electric Potential and DC Circuits
(Course 2)

Upon completion, learners will understand how mathematical laws and conservation principles describe fields and how these fields are related to electrical circuits. Each of the modules contains reading links to a free textbook, complete video lectures, conceptual quizzes, and a set of homework problems. Once the modules are completed, the course ends with an exam. This comprehensive course is similar in detail and rigor to those taught on-campus at Rice. It will thoroughly prepare learners for their upcoming introductory physics courses or more advanced courses in physics.

Who should attend:

  • Learners seeking an online physics course to prepare for a college-level course specializing in electric energy and DC circuits
  • Curious individuals interested in electric potential and potential energy
  • Working engineers who want to brush up on physics concepts like electric and magnetic forces, circuits, and more

You will be able to:

  • Identify the connection between electric potential and electric potential energy
  • Use Kirchhoff’s Rules as a systematic method to analyze complex circuits
  • Gain a microscopic comprehension of current flow in conductors


Lecture sample image for Intro to Mechanics
Lecture sample image for Intro to Mechanics
Lecture sample image for Intro to Mechanics


Image of professor Jason Hafner

Professor Jason Hafner

Jason Hafner earned his Ph.D. from Rice University in 1998 under Richard Smalley for work on carbon nanotubes, and pursued postdoctoral studies at Harvard University. He returned to Rice in 2001 to join the faculty where his lab studies nanophotonics and interfacial biology. Hafner was named a Beckman Young Investigator in 2002, and won the Norman Hackerman Award for Chemical Research from the Welch Foundation in 2011. He is currently a Professor of Physics and Astronomy and of Chemistry.

Explore our related electricity & magnetism courses

Intro to Electricity & Magnetism Specialization

Intro to Electricity & Magnetism Specialization



Any questions? Please e-mail riceonline@rice.edu


Any questions? Please e-mail riceonline@rice.edu
