Complete your Certificate with Course 3: Using Ed Tech with English Learners

Using Educational Technology with English Learners (Course 3)

Welcome to using educational technology with English learners. You may think that students today have a much stronger level of digital literacy than even some teachers. But just because students may use a smartphone or a tablet at home, doesn't mean they know how to use these devices for academic and/or professional purposes. Teachers should also be equipped to help students use technology appropriately to assist their learning. Throughout this course, you will learn to apply best practices to evaluate and use educational technology effectively and safely with your English learners.

Who should attend:

  • Educators in the beginning stages of their careers (i.e. 0-3 years experience)
  • Instructors who have experience but are new to working with English learners
  • Seasoned educators wanting a refresher course on best practices

Things You’ll Learn:

  • Apply best practices to select and use educational technology effectively with English learners.
  • Increase your own digital literacy skills as a teacher, and learn how to support digital literacy development in English learners.
  • Discover new ideas for teaching 21st century skills to English learners through educational technology.


Lecture sample image for English learners.
Lecture sample image for English learners.
Lecture sample image for English learners.


Dr. Rachel Kraut, Ph.D.

Dr. Rachel Kraut is the Director of Innovative Academic Programs, Language Programs, and an adjunct professor at the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies at Rice University. Her research interests lie in language program administration, language teacher training, program evaluation, language assessment, and online language learning.

Alice Llanos

Alice Llanos has a Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics from the University of South Florida. She has 20 years of experience working with students of all ages and backgrounds. The majority of Alice's experience has been in the Intensive English Program at Rice University where she teaches academic English to adults in face-to-face and online classes and creates materials and courses for the online ESL program.

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