Course 2: Key Concepts in Organizational DEI


Key Concepts in Organizational DE&I

The second course in a four-course series is Key Concepts in Organizational DE&I. It delves into the foundational principles of DE&I and how they often affect decision-making in organizations. Although these concepts are widely known, this DE&I training course offers a fresh perspective from an equal opportunity professional with expertise in resolving discrimination complaints and promoting DE&I initiatives to influence organizational culture and policy.

Who should attend:

  • Working professionals in a diversity role and are actively involved in implementing diversity leadership initiatives within their workplace, seeking to enhance their skills and strategies for promoting inclusivity.
  • CEOs, Diversity Officers, and executives who acknowledge the need for transformative change in the workplace. This includes those in managerial and supervisory positions who want to drive positive organizational culture shifts in the workplace.
  • Individuals currently holding leadership positions across various levels and departments, aiming to deepen their understanding of DE&I principles and integrate inclusive practices into their leadership approach.

You will be able to:

  • Showcase your capacity to connect the fundamental principles of DEI, including equal opportunity, bias, power, privilege, and other important concepts, and utilize awareness exercises to promote behavioral changes within your organization.
  • Learn about the distinctions between -isms (like racism or sexism), phobias (like xenophobia), bias, and other types of prejudicial thinking versus discriminatory actions.
  • Develop and implement strategies for utilizing cultural competence to mitigate the influence of bias, prejudice, and stereotypes on the decision-making process within the organization.
  • Develop and implement strategies for utilizing cultural competence to mitigate the influence of bias, prejudice, and stereotypes on the decision-making process within the organization.
  • Discover the crucial components of systemic discrimination and understand the importance of managing various forms of power and privilege to foster inclusivity within organizations.



Image of Professor Richard Anthony Baker

Dr. Richard Anthony Baker

Dr. Richard Anthony Baker has worked in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for over 20 years and holds the Executive Director for People, Equity, and Talent Development position at Rice University. In addition, he has served as the Immediate Past President of the Board of the American Association for Access, Equity, and Diversity. Dr. Baker is the first African-American to earn a doctorate of jurisprudence and graduate degrees in Public Administration and Higher Education from Texas Tech University.

Explore our related DE&I Courses

Organizational Leadership in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Specialization

Organizational Leadership in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Specialization

Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizations (Course 1)

Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizations (Course 1)

Best Practices in Planning DE&I Interventions (Course 3)

Best Practices in Planning DE&I Interventions (Course 3)

Assessing Cultural Climate (Course 4)

Assessing Cultural Climate (Course 4)



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